Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 7:54 AM |

this one's blur but you can see that he's too skinny

Kanata Hongo he doesn't look that skinny in this

this is the poster for it
I'll play for you.
got back some results, and not feelin that good after seeing them, its like i am so far behind the class. i startin to feel the pressure on me by my parents. sigh. things are not lookin so good after all. i wanna go back to one aspire... miss those guys a lot. things in sec one were not so complicated, its playing almost all day. sec 2 studying like siao. we had a surprise maths test, glad that i know how to do. mr tay is absent like for so many days, he promised to be with us all the way until mid year! i wanna ask him a lot of questions and have remedial, thats so not possible now. shermain was like maybe mr tay is got the swine flu, i was so shocked and say chio, touch wood both of us really go touch the bark of the tree. lol. -_-.recently i'm so into jap drama. especially shida mirai drama, its called seigi no mikata . its very nice lor, the guy is quite nice but he's very thin. i did some background checking and found that he's a model. he looks like some guys who is starving for a month. but the problem is he doesn't seem skinny in his modelling pictures but in the drama he is so skinny. nothing much so bye

I'll play for you.
Friday, April 24, 2009 at 5:26 AM |
its a bit late but CO got GOLD with HONORS. i am so proud of us. it was a long and hard journey but we made it through. i didn't think that i would cried on that day but when the moment i started screaming in joy my tears just fell easily. everyone was emotional especially the girls, charline,limmin and xingling was crying. the tears just couldn't stop even though it was two days ago but the scene was imprinted to my mind forever and it would be a part of my life. yesterday xingling and me were talking like 'you know we were changing our clothes and putting on make up at this time' i hate to admit it but i love CO. i missed Co practices u might think i am mad but i love the practices. whenever i walk passed the music room i have the sudden urge to put my bag outside there. recently i feel quite bad. it not beacuse of the left out incident but the running. my heart even though it ok now but deep down i feel a restriction sort of like a warning. that tells me that you heart cannot make it and it feels so difficult to breath when i am running. some of my friends are giving of pressure they say that 'pjy sure run very fast' and stuff, to be honest i have changed and i am so different after that operation something had change within me, a change that even myself couldn't understand it just feels out of place. i shall be hyper after this no more emoing!!!!!!!
I'll play for you.
Monday, April 20, 2009 at 6:13 AM |
the weather is damn hot, i sweating twice the amount i usually do. it feels so weird to be sticky. recently i tend to be crazy when i with limmin she very high, then i high with her. being with her and may makes me feel very relax i also dunno why. today mr tay neva come, i can't believe it, i actually look forward to the results of the test paper, whats wrong with me ???? mrs woo did'nt conme todae and mr ho came in for relieve, for some reasons he seem to like teeters alot he was holding the letter 'I' and hwee teng said that gabriel told her "i only believe in I"(in chinese).lol. the commercial for I weekly. the ipw project todae was quite fun. our group gets to presents but only may and jing zhi went up. both of them are better in presenting. may gets agitated but it's ok, jing zhi relaxed with his laptop, he brought it to school. rich guy. CO, nothing much but the small cake or muffin(whatever u call it) taste nice. tommorrow we have tuna bread, yay!!! i feel a bit sleepy during co but everyone seems to be tired so i guess its normal. we have been like leaving class early and i feel really bad about missing classes. sigh, there's nothing i can do but to revise more for the exams. i really hope that i do better in mid year exams.
I'll play for you.
Friday, April 17, 2009 at 5:21 AM |
everything seems fine. the 8th batch of exco came out, what can i say i feel nothing.maybe happy for kexin and thats all i guess. i feel so down today and i have no idea why. i just dun feel talkin much these days, but thanks to limmin and may who desperately try to cheer me up especially may who even stole my first cheek kiss!!! that seriously freak me out but i guess it did made my feel happy, at least i am somebody:) seriously i think that i am the one who is easily forgotten by people, i dun stand out that much and i dun have any qualities in me. maybe i'm thinkin to negatively but its true. Charline accompany me go Co. chatted with seniors or gossip. may, charline, zi kai, zequan and me went to meet up with mr tan kk and lizi for the prist and its about physics, sigh its so complicated. i can only understand a tiny bit, i think may can understand all lor she's very clever. i am really a dumbass considering the fact that i forgot that i have pe today and went to borrow pe shorts and shirts. luckily the shirt jin wen help me find. then i got no shorts. xinhui dan nice lor lend me the fbt, although she need to wear later. Sorry for makin it smelly cause we have hip hop dance, but i really have to thank you so much. and to all my friends i dun noe why but i feel like sying this i love u guys so much!!!!!!!!
I'll play for you.
Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 5:33 AM |
nothing much todae, i was just the normal. during home ec class, cher not here limmin and xl play with my hair and worse they tie it up and i look wierd. mr tan kk has been in a bad mood recently and scolds our class, but no one cares :) during literature mrs woo was scolding us for not handing in hw on time and it really very unbearable cause the tone of her voice was a bit accusing(dunno if its correct or wrong description) may was the unfortunate "victim" that she prey on, although she doesn't hand in hw in time but she's a real sport and clever too. she was quite upset after lesson and become very emo but after eating chicken chop she went back to normal. so eatin helps in reducing stress!!! i like mr ratish lesson it's so much fun, i think the only subject that i can really enjoy is english, mr ratish can be really serious but he also very funny. i always find myself lookin forward to his lesson. CO people miss a period of english due to full dress rehearshal, wat can i say, the costume look like shit. it like in those olden days they would wear those type of clothes. i really admire xl and chi yao they look nice in whatever they wear. sigh. i definetely not one of those. the Co practice todae was quite fun, jia en and charline were swaying and they were laughing cause itss funny. i felt left out again:( i couldn't really find my place among them, sometimes i really wonder if there is any problem wrong with me???? i'm not that popular and i dun really interact much. in sch people think that i'm the friendly type but sometimes i really wanna be selfish for once and show them the real me. i just afraid that they wont like the real me, i feel so fake. i'm hiding, from reality and it's hurting me so much that i can't breath. i really wan someone out there to find me and show me to the world that is outside, a place where i can really be myself without holding back.
I'll play for you.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 5:44 AM |
Hihi. first time trying to start somethings up. this year is full of challenges and i have not prepare that well. today it CO, i'm starting to get more and more tired easily this days. the most important thing is i can't focus on my work nowadays!!!!!!!! and the most important i lack of sleep, though i sleep early but its not enough!!!!!!!! that all and i'm revising for my maths test tomorrow
I'll play for you.