Friday, July 31, 2009 at 6:24 AM |
i will be posting at random cause i feel very bored now and thats because i cant post tegoshi pictures so i do not feel like posting
I'll play for you.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 6:20 AM |
today went to causeway with limmin, diana and sheena my new found friend!!!!!! went to long john silver for lunch diana couldn't find her wallet and we were so worried and thought of the possible place then ended up the wallet was on her chair then went to order the counter girl a bit shocked cause we all order the same thing then when she asked us want cheese we all say one XD lol it was fun !!! limmin was talking about funny things that we ended up laughing like siao after two fishes i was already full but cannot waste food with limmin talking i was laughing till i cant eat i couldn't take it anymore that was the last straw i spit out my coke all of them were so shocked finally we left there and went to the toilet got some woodgrove students and they were talking about limmin cause of her new hairstyle it's really nice and then they went to wash hand and spray water at limmin and me got a bit pissed off i said that we are innoncent victim in chinese, then one of them say "yeah la we siao one" it like totally not our fault when we tell diana she looks like she wanted revenge scary!!! me and sheena decided that if something happens we pretended that we dun know them so bad :) two people say limmin hairstyle is nice and it is after that home sweet home :)
I'll play for you.
Friday, July 17, 2009 at 5:23 AM |
yoyo... long time never post all this while trying to be good student lols, anyway so happy william finally changed place now charmain sit beside me :) so good, i wanted to stay back for maths but then mr tay cant make it i am trying very hard to get a good score for science and maths since i did quite badly for it in the midyear must buck up so i will ask a lot of question to whoever sit close to me BEWARE.... literature today, finally decide to do romeo and juliet cause merchant of vernice got 7-8 pages but romeo and juliet only got 4-5 i got the juliet part and yusuf got the romeo i think i will have lots of fun when acting with him cause he is simply fun :) looking forward to next lit gabriel got tybalt, cause he say capulet got damn lots of lines actually i am quite happy that gabriel aand yusuf are in my group they are really creating good atmosphere =) hope everyone would have a fun time acting!!!!!!
P.S I just found out that tegomass (tegoshi is in it) have a new single yay!!!
I'll play for you.
Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 4:33 AM |
went to ang mio kio hub today with my family bought i new rice cooker and just use it the result was... too hard, i cant swallow it lor then i said that it must be because of the price cause it so cheap then my father started spitting out rice whole family laughing till our sides hurts yesterday we went to causeway for dinner and my sis bought the a birthday present for her friend at comic connections charmian!!!!! you got one more rival my sister friend also likes yuto nakajima lucky she yuto or else she snatch with me :] thats all today

i love his face when he's listening to music
I'll play for you.
Friday, July 10, 2009 at 5:22 AM |
today i rank myself 9/10 for happiness index because i feel that things that make me emo are not really important things its those little things that happen around take makes it important and affect my mood got shuttle run today only got 10.7 cause my leg was slow down by my shoe i knew it beforehand that it was going to happen because the shoe i bought was just way too big but still got A so still happy then sit ups it was so bad XD only got 32 XL played with my ruler lor i felt that she was abusing me hah :) she snatch the teenage magazine i wanna see harry potter she ended up scratching me so i become a victim of her scratching
I'll play for you.
Thursday, July 9, 2009 at 6:59 AM |
my throat feels horrible today and i dun feel good today feeling guilty about something i done in the past just somehow all the memories of the past flow in i can't distract myself from all the guilt my head is so heavy i think that i may have got fever better take care of my own health if i were to rank my mood today i give myself 0/10 i cant get hyper maybe the rain affected my mood too much thinking of Ai Nante song felt more emoish i should seriously consult someone before i have a emotion breakdown dun think that will happen :) i found out today that tegoshi might have a grilfriend got a bit depressed but i will never stop liking him i saw this comment on youtube REASONS TO LOVE TEGOSHI HIS VOICE which is so true it seems to me that he really sang with all his heart the more i hear his songs i fell in love with him again i think that i would distract myself by thinking tegoshi if that helps :) I LOVE TEG OSHI YUYA
I'll play for you.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 5:32 AM |
charline and jieyi came again this time no more fooling around we were very damn serious and we finished the hui ben so proud of ourselves :) now the olympic project i am adding finishing touches to it charline today so fierce she say i very talkative leh that true heh heh :) i want to say a big thank you to jie yi because now i finally know how difficult everything was to draw and to colour cause i feel so sleepy after colouring a few pages and your drawing is the best IN THE WORLD
I'll play for you.
Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 5:45 AM |
the class deco was so fun we found lots of interesting stuff in the cardboard vilynn was kind of forced to wear a cheongsam so look so cute and sexy XD Xl got stuck in the trolley the one that was used for projector we were are laughing til our sides hurt the scene was just plain hilarious we even took pictures of it we found teas sets which were rotting inside the case for like very long it was put to use FINALLY limmin teach me how to make ribbon diana teach limmin one it was very nice lor then he lao shi came and take a look it was not even half finished but we concentrated more on the detail then on the overall so we only made the back corner we only pasted white majong paper and the ribbon as frames not much but we still have fun just wanna say thanks to kai rong for helping us out even though he is not in our class he is such a nice person lor went to the toliet with limmin and vilynn took lots of pictures when i tell my mother she say we have perverted mind XD vilynn folded her skirt and it was so short those types that japanese high school students wear one but she's so adorable :) my mother told me to go back her voice sounded a bit unhappy :/ so i went back but i really wanted to stay there for bit longer cause really fun and got air con !!! still got next time never mind
I'll play for you.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 at 5:29 AM |
first time wear the orange t-shirt which is like damn big the weather is also very bothering sweating like siao actually not much happen today during school hours i went back home to eat after school then came back again quite early at about 3.10 i heard that diana and charline and other members are renewing the class so i went to the higher mother tongue room to find them but they were not there i ended up running up and down the stairs to find them i finally gave up and tried to find ze quan and zikai cause we were meeting up for prist but they also seem to disappeared finally i saw mr tan kk after i check the time i found out that i was actually walking around the school for 20 minutes but charline was missing can't reach her handphone so called diana, then found out they were actually in 2 achieve finally we have PRIST its like so fun first time we did it on our own lucas and hong chye came to check our project out they are so noisy :) the two mr tans left us alone when we finish we play with the equipment charline snatched zikai's calculator it turn out in the end me, charline,zikai and hon chy wrestling for it the sight was so funny after that home sweet home

I'll play for you.