Monday, August 31, 2009 at 10:41 PM |
today weather is damn cold i am wrapped from head to toe found this new blogskin and like it a lot Xl will like this a lot cause its piano some more is three legged piano i think that i will regret when i grow up for not learning the piano when i touch the piano at my house it feels familiar yet at the same time i feel strange even though i learn it before but when i really sit there i really know nothing at all i get that feeling again sigh... maybe i shouldnt have quit piano afterall i had been playing it for years but its the choice i made so its too late to regret and i should move on i will not forget piano but remember it and continue to play it my sis will teach me also i already have my pipa !;]
I'll play for you.
Friday, August 28, 2009 at 5:34 AM |
today went to 888 with LM:] and then went to seven elven eat cup noodle then we talk alot about secrets then somehow talk until i cry then went to look at the mask very nice but expensive then accompany LM go causeway then go home went home emotional breakdown cried for a period of time i also dunno why
to that person 谢谢你让我找到了我自己 虽然会有很多困难 但有你在我的身旁 就足够了 最真实的我其实我还不确定 但我相信只要跟着我的想法 我认为我可以做到的 你打开了我的心房 以后的我也会加油 所以你也是 我不会再羡慕你 因为我知道我自己也做得到 谢谢你让我发现到 做会自己是一件很美好的是 我发现在舞台上的我才是最真实的我
I'll play for you.
Monday, August 17, 2009 at 6:24 AM |
went to causeway with lm,xl charline, diana, yunyen and william william today treat us to pizza :) so nice and charline is the birthday girl we really had fun actually we were crazy in there the pizza came and me and lm puts lots of cheese on it YUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!!! i shared drink with charline and for the first time i got to our syrup into the ice lemonade i never knew before and after that charline and diana went home today XL LM and me went to toilet to take pic okok its they practically dragged me i am a victim but i enjoyed the process so i guess its ok took alot of pictures and then finally home sweet home :)
I'll play for you.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 5:57 AM |
okok from today onwards i will be posting :) its such a long time nothing much today except taking the maths exam it so difficult, i am so not good in maths i think i did ok for the geography test i dunno what to write see lar you all forced me to write sigh...... but i felt happy today it not a major thing but its the small things such as talking to my friends an stuff but its these small small things that make my imperfect life perfect i am so glad XD i am writing so randomly arghhhhhhhh so thats all today
I'll play for you.