Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 6:40 AM |
today have art art :D mr jay lim tell us about things that happened during his teaching years all the disgusting and scary things i will always clutch my hands together when i hear those type of things its kind of spooky and yet funny when he say it therefore i was half laughing and half almost crying we didnt have maths today and mrs eng was not in school she gave us four ws went to sleep after finishing then woke up chiong geography hw during english our class got debate hweeteng and charmian very cool but they in different groups therefore i didnt know which group to root for so i decided to cheer on them individually hmt we ate bao for lunch and here i thought that the minimum was a burger T.T then stayed back to watch lm and may group rehearsal i think i went berserk during rehearsal cause i was very high again with xl :D went home together with william he only walk me to the bus stop so i want to thank him but not that much cause it was the same bustop that he was going went back to study geography i am going mad!!!!!!!!!!!! so many things to study tomorrow die liao
I'll play for you.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 5:56 AM |
its damn long since i post so i will post today i was very emo during the first few lesson but i also dunno why there is no reason sometimes u feel down for nothing then during recess limmin keep singing the hu die jiejie nie ni ba, i got very irritated and tried to shut her up in the end must use hand to cover her mouth hahaha but i got addicted in the end so i went nie ni ba with her together finally after school the whole class stayed back for literature group 3 went to perform the actual thing personally i think that they did very well so i started to worry about my own group sigh.... but overall its ok we are continuing in the right direction and still have more rehearsal i was very high during rehearsal but when i went home i was back to being emo because i listen to very sad song although it has a happy tune but it have sad lyrics EOY coming soon must jiayous!
P.S i love t eogshi yuuya (finally can post his pic)
I'll play for you.
Friday, September 4, 2009 at 6:42 AM |
today was an ok day not that bad and not that good we didnt have pe :[ quite sad, i want to exercise mr vik came in to talk about fat found out that i actually have lots of fats must exercise more after watch luo sheng men with hcl the air conditioner was at full blast i think then very cold the show was actually quite inspirational though there were many parts that were funny the plot itself is not funny but they way they act was a bit weird miss ho let us watch as we going to watch the play tomorrow so i am looking forward to it
I'll play for you.